Quantum Constellations
All the answers we seek are always there, right now.
Everything that has ever existed and will forever exist is energy. Our bodies consist of molecules and atoms vibrating at a low frequency, while thoughts and emotions are more subtle and vibrate at higher frequencies. If matter were to vibrate at a much higher frequency, it would be invisible to the naked eye.
Energy cannot be destroyed; it is always present. All our past experiences, thoughts, and emotions remain in the quantum field, which is the most subtle aspect of infinite space.
In a quantum constellation, we use sticky notes or objects to set up a particular situation you may be dealing with.
You will connect with that sticky note or object and tune into the information that is permanently in the quantum field, directly related to it.
You will gain a better understanding instantly because you will feel it as truth or simply know it. It's like the saying 'try to put yourself in someone else's shoes'—that's what we do in systemic work. By doing so, we gain a better understanding of people and situations, and only then can we transform our thoughts and belief systems. After a constellation, you feel much lighter physically and emotionally. Move into higher consciousness now.
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